
創意短片:Papierkrieg (paper war) by Makaio

Papierkrieg from Makaio Tisu on Vimeo.

The two-minute short film ‘Papierkrieg’ tells a story about two kids, arguing about whose paper plane is the best. Everything in the children’s imagination seems to become real and functioning. Rapidly they get mad at each other and start a race of arms until it comes to the final clash with weapons of mass destruction where nobody could end up as a winner.

The film deals with the fact, that kids have the possibility to break the borders of the real world through their infinite creativity. On one hand the story shows children’s playful fantasy and on the other it refers to situations in the real world (e.g. political debates).


Boy: My airplane is the best one in the whole world. It even has a jet engine!

Girl: Mine has super cannon, which shoots fireballs!

Boy: Mine deflects them with a tennis racket!

Girl: Mine grills you with a flamethrower!

Boy: Doesn’t matter, it has undestructive-paint!

Girl: You’ll stop laughing after my army of killer bees attacks you!

Boy: But i got a flower bouquet…

Girl: ?

Boy: …of carnivorous plants!

Girl: Acidic rain!

Boy: Protective umbrella!

Girl: Gigantic shredder!

Boy: Soup spoon!

Girl: Shotgun!

Boy: Spider web!

Girl: Hammer!

Boy: Teleporter!

Girl: A-booomb!

